Posts Tagged ‘ romance ’

The Devil’s Pool

Local legend: The cool waters of the Babinda Boulders habour many local aboriginal legends and stories.

On first glance the small town of Babinda, south of Cairns, may to be nothing more than a sugar mill, pub and a few houses. If you look a bit deeper into the area, you will discover it contains some of the region’s most special treasures.

While naturally traquil and beautiful, local aboriginal legend paints a more tragic picture of this special place.

The story goes like this: A long time ago, the Yidinji tribe were the sole occupants of the Babinda Valley.  The isolation created by the surrounding hills and jungle made visitors rare.  However, there came a time when a wandering tribe entered the lush green valley and was made welcome by the Yidinji people, who were in a state of celebration.  It seems an elder of the Yidinji tribe named Waroonoo was about to marry the beautiful Oolana.  The marriage had been arranged to combine the knowledge and wisdom of Waroonoo with the youth and beauty of Oolana.

The wedding went ahead as planned, but the following day it became obvious that something was wrong.  Oolana had disappeared, as had Dyga, a handsome young member of the visiting tribe.  A search party comprising both tribes searched the area for the missing lovers.  It was not long before they were found camping by a stream running through Churichillam, now known as Mount Bartle Frere.

After a furious struggle Dyga was captured, but not Oolana. 

Overcome with emotion, she threw herself into the stream.  From then on, the previously peaceful waters erupted into swirling torrents of white water as the ground burst open, spewing forth huge boulders to mark the place of the terrible happenings.  Aboriginal legend says the spirit of Oolana remains in Devil’s Pool to this very day, calling to any young single male visitors to the area who may go to the mysterious waters.


“Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms…”

“BELIEVE me, if all those endearing young charms, Which I gaze on so fondly to-day, Were to change by to-morrow, and fleet in my arms, Live fairy-gifts fading away, Thou wouldst still be adored, as this moment thou art, Let thy loveliness fade as it will, And around the dear ruin each wish of my heart Would entwine itself verdantly still. 

It is not while beauty and youth are thine own, And thy cheeks unprofaned by a tear, That the fervor and faith of a soul may be known, To which time will but make thee more dear! No, the heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close, As the sunflower turns on her god when he setsThe same look which she turned when he rose!” 

~ Thomas Moore ~

“…far beneath the bitter snows, lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose…”

I don’t remember a lot of things; usually I cannot help but be clutched by the whittling hands of life.  Sometimes when I sit perfectly still and trick myself into a soft slumber, my dreams swiftly manage to escort me away from my weary life to places where the memories that I can never grasp are born.  In my dreams I may visit a lush though over growing garden, deep in the crevices of May.  The amber sun bores heartily on my back as I explore the garden. I lean over the harlequin grass to move the messy thorns with such care not to harm myself, I spy an object of such beauty that not even the garden’s excitements could not compare. As a larger quantity of thorn-ridden branches fall clumsily to the grass, something amidst the tiny alcove where the thorns were sparkles.

Such an object would be found being sculpted by angels in the depths of heaven; it’s a rose.
The rose shimmers as I reach out to caress one of the seemingly everlasting rose petals.  To touch the cerise petal would have the same effect as if you were to stroke a dove’s feather.  I look back to my hands and gander at what they have become; the rose’s angelic magic had gently wafted away from the petals onto my hand.  I could see other beatific glitter which was lightly floating away in the wind to other pastures, much further away, perhaps some with roses that were as blue as an impossible moon emitting a serene ultramarine.
Surrounded by thoughtful, tranquil scenes, the depth of my slumber intensified…

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

There’s Something Primal in All of Us…

I believe there is a force in this world that lives beneath the surface, something primitive and wild that awakens when you need an extra push just to survive, like wildflowers that bloom after fire turns the forest black. Most people are afraid of it, and keep it buried deep inside themselves. But there will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside us.

(From ‘Katie’ in the movie “Flicka”)


Quotations of Frederick Zappone

  • The way out of suffering is through it. Resist suffering and suffering increases. Acceptance, in the moment, that you are suffering will dissolve your suffering instantly.
  • You are perfect in every way until you compare yourself with another.
  • Your need to control things is based on the fear of things controlling you.
  • What you worry about is what controls you.
  • Every one of us is allowed to suffer in order that we can grow in compassion and sensitivity towards the suffering of others.
  • When someone treats us unkindly we learn how to treat others with great kindness.
  • Living successfully today requires us to leave the past behind us.
  • Strangers can love you easier than family because strangers have no history with you that they can hold against you.
  • Only people who live in fear feel the need to abuse others.
  • Trying too hard is un-attractive (does not attract) and pushes away from us the very things we want.
  • When you encounter obstacles or roadblocks that are between you and what you want out of life choose to be like the “wind and water” and “flow” up, over, around or under them rather than fighting them and giving them power over you.
  • We become free to follow the desires of our heart when we are influenced more by our own thoughts than the thoughts of others.
  • Happiness allows us to walk over the top of our problems while unhappiness allows us to drown in them.
  • In life, we always have two choices about our circumstances; we can change our circumstances or we can change our attitude about our circumstances. Once we change our attitude, our circumstances change naturally.
  • When we stop finding faults in ourselves, we will stop finding faults in others.
  • A relaxed mind solves even the most difficult problems, in life, easily. A stressed out mind delays problems being solved. A closed mind prevents problems from being solved altogether.
  • God most often answers our prayers in the form of an inspired thought or creative idea that either sets us free or moves us to tears.
  • God lives in the moment. If you want to find God, live there too!
  • Discarding the past and forgetting about the future by living in the moment will give you the peace of mind you seek.
  • Being rejected is part of life, get over it.
  • Life doesn’t always go your way, don’t take it personally.
  • Most people are full of crap, love them anyway.
  • If you care about you, others will too!
  • Putting other people first all the time will put you back at the end of the line.
  • Life is not difficult, it is only our thinking that makes it so..
  • Find humor in your problems and they will seem smaller to you.
  • Love won’t solve the problems of the world but it certainly makes the ride worthwhile.
  •  Don’t take yourself too seriously, no one else does.
  • An overly generous heart can lead you to the poor house.
  • Sometimes it hurts to think, that’s why people get headaches.
  • Creating prosperity is “simple” to do and yet many people judge that “simple thought” as “too good too be true” while never judging the thought that scarcity and lack of money are “too bad to be true”.
  • The one real weakness we have is underestimating the part our very own thoughts played in creating the circumstances we have in our life today.
  • Every thought we think is a prayer to God.
  • The only reason people don’t have their prayers answered is because they quit praying before their prayer request is fulfilled.
  • Expressing sincere prayers of gratitude for what we have guarantees that we will have more.
  • When you see all that you do as God’s sees it, perfect in every way, the universe begins supplying you with evidence that validates God’s truth that what you do “is” perfect in every way…
  • Any time you are feeling negative, you are not loving and approving of yourself. If you were loving and approving of yourself, you would never feel negative.

Footprints in the Sand


  • Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
  • As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
  • Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others: even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
  • Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.
  • If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
  • Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
  • Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
  • Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.
  • But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
  • Be yourself.  Especially do not feign affection.  Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is perennial as the grass.
  • Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
  • Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
  • But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.  Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
  • Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
  • You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
  • And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
  • Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.
  • And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
  • With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
  • Be cheerful.  Strive to be happy.

The Unveiling